Easy E-mail paragraph
Electronic mail or simply E-mail is very much popular now-a-days for its speedy transmission of information and cost effectiveness. Hence information provided by a sender is delivered asynchronously to a point where it can be retrieved and processed later on by one or more recipients of the sender's choice. There is no need of any physical presence of both the sender and the receiver. The sender can enter the message and the receiver can retrieve it whenever he/she is free. The message will remain in PC's memory. The transmission of message is usually done through landlines (telephones) or satellite communications or through marine cables. E-mail has lot of advantages to its credit. (i) It is cost effective. Very less money is required in comparison to other transmission device. (ii) It is time saver. Within very short time messages can be sent. (iii) There is no need of presence of either the sender or the receiver. Once the message is entered into PC's it will remain in the receiver PC's memory. (iv) E-mail transmission is very speedy. It is four times faster than FAX and ten times faster then telex. (v) There is the system of using password which each subscriber can choose to use, Hence E-mail gives security of message.